Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hmmm... I've been playing with this in my head for a while, and I've decided to let it out! Sister Ruth of God! You have been a friend, and a sister! You have been the constant ‘bestie of life’! You have been a pillar of support through the years! You have been Ruth, Ruchina, Ruthie, and most recent of all, Sister Ruth of God! You have been a constant figure in my life, even long before I understood why! I remember the days of FGC, Isashi Choir Practice, how you never failed to come 'pick' me with your Leggedez Benz. How did I get into Foursquare Isashi Choir? It was on your insistence. It wasn't a 'call' for me back then… & oh yes I remember, why I accepted to go with you, it was economical as the black & white uniform was perfect for my wardrobe... or lack of it  I also remember all the snide remarks we endured in the hands of Sis. Elebor, bro Kennedy, & the Most Senior PA to God- Bro Shina because of my ABEBELUBE... they didn't know me like you did ;) We always laughed at their ignorance! heehheheehee I can't forget days of no kobo at home, and how you would rise to the occasion... hmmm... this is still so true! You have been a true friend, my sister! I have knowledge of how David must have felt with Jonathan. Trust me; Jonathan has got nothing on you ;) From school days to now, you have always been interested in my wellbeing, and I still wonder, how could I ever repay this kindness?? I may never be able to repay any of it, but I won't fail to let the world know of you. A friend so true, sweet, kind, selfless, unassuming, gentle, quiet, strong, reliable, dependable, and altogether true... true there twice :) You are a woman of strength, no matter how much you try to hide behind your quiet self... I'm sure Loretta didn't see that coming! haahahaahaa I've been blessed with you in my life, and the least I can pray for is, your labour of love be rewarded. You have always been there for me, I can't help but imagine how you pull that through. Mama's blessed having you as daughter! I don't envy Martini, Anna, Victor & Elizabeth... cos I top the list of your siblings :p You are a rare gem, and more blessed is the man who finds you! This is just a LINE to say THANK YOU! LOVE YOU! MISS YOU!

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